Quinceañera Expo 2025 Exhibitor Agreement
This Exhibitors agreement for Quinceañera Expo Exhibitors. Please note that the Expo access times for Attendees from 1PM to 4PM. Exhibitors will arrive and set up between the hours 8:00AM & 12:00PM and must be setup by 12:30PM and breakdown no earlier than 4:00PM*. Date and Location of event is listed on the Registration page and your receipt.
The exhibit spaces must be staffed from 1:00PM- 4:00PM and may be disassembled no earlier than the times set forth in the contract. Exhibitor agrees to: Once Upon A Time Events, LLC will impose a $100 fee for early breakdown or early departure of any Expo event. Exhibitors will be provided a table with chair(s). A simple identification signage preferred but not required. Exhibitors are encouraged to promote event on their social media or website by using media from our site with necessary verbiage.
Exhibitor agrees not to use of nails, thumb tacks or any other item that may cause damage. Display products and literature that pertain specifically to the contracted exhibitor.
Exhibitor agrees to not solicit any attendee for any service other than for the contracted exhibitor’s business only. Exhibitors are not permitted to use amplifying equipment that we consider objectionable. No balloon popping, or noises that we consider objectionable are permitted from your contracted space. Exhibitors must confine their activities to their contracted space and must not be strolling the venue during the start of the expo. If an exhibitor is strolling through the event during the show hours, they must ensure that someone (their assistant) be present at their booth to greet guests.
Exhibitors will not be permitted to distribute samples, souvenirs, or literature except from their own exhibit space and must be from their own business. This contract cannot be cancelled and once acknowledged, the Exhibitor/Company and/or signee is fully responsible for all charges as outlined herein of this agreement whether Exhibitor uses the contracted space or not. All payments and fees are due and payable once submission has been made for the event.
Exhibitor agrees to: Absolutely no booth sharing. By registering for this event, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this contract. The Exhibitor agrees Once Upon A Time Events, LLC, its agents and employees, and the hosting facility or its employees: (a) Will not be responsible for any damage to or for the loss of destruction of the exhibitor’s property, Exhibitor Space or injuries to the Exhibitors, his representatives, agents or employees, all claims for any such loss, damage, destruction, or injury being expressly waived by the Exhibitor. Exhibitor/Applicant and its agents shall not injure, deface, or damage the facility inside or outside or the venue area building or equipment, walls, ceilings, carpet, floors of the building if such damage occurs, exhibitor/applicant is liable to the owner of the property so damaged.
I understand that there are NO CANCELLATIONS and NO REFUNDS. This contract cannot be cancelled and once signed, Exhibitor/Company listed above, and/or signee is fully responsible for all charges as outlined herein of this agreement whether Exhibitor uses the contracted space or not.
Food Sample Vendors/Exhibitors Agree to:
Once Upon A Time Events, LLC must inform our Event Venue in advance of any vendors/exhibitors that will be distributing food samples at any Event/Show, and what those types of food items are. Samples must be in disposable containers for distribution. For any food items requiring refrigeration or cooking on site, the individual vendor/exhibitor is required to obtain a Temporary Food Permit from the County/State/City Health Department in which the Event is taking place and the Event Venue must be added as additionally insured to their Certificate of Insurance. For any food items that do not require refrigeration or cooking on site (i.e., cookies, candies, bite sized pieces of cake, etc.) and are individually pre-wrapped will not require a Temporary Food Permit, however, the vendor/exhibitor must still add the name of the Event Venue as additionally insured to their insurance. It is the responsibility of Once Upon A Time Events, LLC to ensure that all food vendors/exhibitors have compiled and obtained the required permits and insurance, and that copies of these items are provided to Once Upon A Time Events, LLC at least (7) business days prior to the start of the event.
Marketing List Disclosure Agreement
Exhibitor agrees to: The mailing list of future brides (the “Marketing List”) is for the exclusive use of the Exhibitor add/or Individual/Company in the form of a single copy, and solely for the promotion of its own products and services at Once Upon A Time Events, LLC shows as appropriate. The Marketing List is solely available to the exhibitor who attends the event. This means that the “said business” (You, the Exhibiting Contractual Company) does not show up/attend the entire event, shall forfeit their rights to the marketing list. The Marketing List database contains private copyrighted information owned exclusively by Once Upon A Time Events, LLC. The information included in this database is protected by federal copyright laws. It may not be copied (other than printed hard copy of lists and labels for the Exhibitor’s own use in the Exhibitor’s own business in connection with Once Upon A Time Events, LLC shows). Neither the Marketing List nor any of its contents may be made available to, or used by, any other person or entity. The Exhibitor may not sell, give, rent, lease, lend, modify, display, share, or otherwise permit the Marketing List or any of its contents to be made available, in whole or in part, to anyone outside of the Exhibitor, whether or not for consideration. The Marketing List may not be used in, or in connection with, any solicitation of the goods or services of any other person or entity. THE MARKETING LIST MAY NOT BE USED TO PROMOTE ANY QUINCEANERA, MITZVAHS, BRIDAL OR HONEYMOON SHOW, SEMINAR, WORKSHOP, OR ANY TYPE OF EVENT THAT PROMOTES THE GATHERING OF FUTURE QUINCES, MITZVAHS, BRIDES AND/OR FUTURE GROOMS. The Marketing List cannot be used to promote any contest/promotion/give-away that is in conjunction with, and/or names any other entity or person other than the person or entity signing this contract. The Exhibitor acknowledges that once the Marketing List leaves the control of Once Upon A Time Events, LLC, the Exhibitor is in the best position to assure compliance with these restrictions and therefore agrees (and assumes all related risks) to be fully and strictly responsible for any incident or use not permitted by this paragraph, whether or not inadvertent and whether caused by the acts or omissions of the Exhibitor or others. Unauthorized use of the Marketing List leads or any of its contents is a direct violation of the Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act. By using this Marketing List or any of its contents, you hereby acknowledge the protected copyright and agree to the terms of use.
By accepting the Marketing List, the Exhibitor agrees, and each individual accepting this list on behalf of Exhibitor that only exhibiting at event listed in contract, agrees to pay on demand Once Upon A Time Events, LLC the sum of One Thousand and NO/00 Dollars ($1,000.00) per incident or use, as liquidated damages, for each incident or use of the Marketing List that is contrary to any provision of this paragraph, together with the attorney’s fees and other costs and expenses of enforcement incurred by Once Upon A Time Events, LLC.
Exhibitor agrees to: Exhibitor understands that you may be photographed at any time during our events, and we reserve the right to use these images for promotional reasons.
This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Maryland. Once Upon A Time Events, LLC may, without liability, change date of event, or cancel this Contract on account of forces like unavoidable events or other circumstances beyond its control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, agitation, ban, political, terrorism, failure of source of supply, or casualty. If any of these events are cancelled for any reason beyond Once Upon A Time Events control, no refunds will be given. This contract contains the entire agreement, between the parties, pertaining to the subject matter hereof. No agreements, representations, or understandings, not specifically obtained herein, shall be binding upon any of the parties hereto, unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties to be bound thereby. Exhibitor waives any, and all expressed and/or implied warranties or guarantees.
Exhibitor agrees that by submitting this invoice/electronic application with payment that both parties agree and are bound by all the terms and conditions set forth in this entire agreement. This contract cannot be cancelled and once signed, Exhibitor/Company listed above, and/or signee is fully responsible for all charges as outlined herein of this agreement whether Exhibitor uses the contracted space or not.
I understand that there are NO CANCELLATIONS and NO REFUNDS
You have endorsed this document because you have read it in its entirety and agree to these terms set forth in this Vendor Agreement with Once Upon A Time Events and your business.